Eschatology Statistics In A Globalized Church
"The leading "Christian/Church" historical records are related to the Catholic church, not evangelical protestant Christianity."

IM Worldview Research Center is a nonprofit fact tank that informs the Christian community about the issues, attitudes, beliefs, and trends shaping Christian thought & global movements. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis, theological reviews, and other empirical social science research. IMWR is an eschatological data gathering institute. We partner with leading Christian research organizations & ministries through shared data links.
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"Follower vs. Indwelt Christianity"
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The 2019-2021 IM Research Survey, "Follower vs. Indwelt Christianity" will end June of 2021. Much of the data thus far confirms what we already pretty much knew. But there are some surprises, too. What follows includes a sampling of both the expected and the surprising. For those who would like to look at the results in detail, the files that provide a summary as well as several “crosstab” reports will be released in June of 2021. Thank you for assisting us in this significant review. Check back with us for a downloadable report.
Conclusive Past Survey Results:
Americans spent 14 Billion dollars on their US 2020 elections.
The leading "Christian/Church" historical records are related to the Catholic church, not evangelical protestant Christianity.
American Christians tend to include catholicism as equal to their evangelical Christian beliefs.
The leading country attending weekly church services is Nigeria @ 89% - China being the least @ 1%.
The Mormons hold the highest level of church attendance in America @ 51%.
Half of Americans belong to a church - 12% of those attending regularly.
A growing number of Americans have no religious preference - @ 19%.
Fewer Millennials attend church - @ 42%.
Church growth is on the decline - @ 86%. Online churches have grown - @ 77%.
Church online tithing has increased - @ 67% prefer to give digitally or online.
Onsight church attenders tend not to give - @ 42%.
Two of 10 Millennials consider church attendance as important.
45% of Millennials think that the church does more harm than good.
Most Gen Z Americans tend to skip attending church activities regularly. 45% of them say they rarely or never attend church.
Since 1991, church attendance among Baby Boomers has declined to 42%.
Today, 35% say their church still doesn’t have online giving capabilities.
In 2020, for the first time, more Americans listened to podcasts weekly (24%) than physically attended church services weekly (23%).
90% of Protestant pastors in the US say their congregations conducted 100% online worship services from late March to April 2020.
In early March 2020, 99% of churches still ministered in physical gatherings. By the end of the same month, such gatherings went down to 7%.
32 percent of churched adults say they feel disappointed by the church experience at least half of the time and 40 percent leave feeling guilty.
85% of self-proclaimed "Christians" cannot explain the difference between traditional evangelical beliefs and those classified as generalized Christian beliefs.
4,000 new churches begin each year and 7,000 churches close.
Over 1,500 pastors left the ministry every month last year.
Over 1,300 pastors are terminated by the local church each month, many without cause.
Over 3,500 people a day leave the church in 2020.
95% of pastors report not praying daily or regularly with their spouse.
The profession of “Pastor” is near the bottom of a survey of the most-respected professions, just above “car salesman”.
Less than 50% of evangelical protestants believe in "right" and "wrong."
Less than 20% of Jewish people believe in "right" and "wrong."
15% of the general public surveyed believe in a "right" or "wrong."