Most Downloaded Book | This book unfolds the spiritual secrets to a free life. As a sword, the Word has the power to penetrate the life of every being that hears it, and that includes the enemy. It is meant to do corrective surgery within the soul, spirit, thoughts, attitudes, and body of all who hear it. This is the secret of its power against the enemy. This publication has won three download awards. ORDER HARDCOPY HERE
The Art Of Spiritual Warfare
Dr. Phinney holds degrees in Psychology, Counseling Psychology and Ministry. However, he does not believe having a degree qualifies anyone, nor is it necessary, to administer Biblical Truths. He believes that all indwelt Christians have the power to minister without institutional certification. Author Spotlight Page
This author permits you to use the content in this e-Book for classroom use. Please keep the material for internal instructional, educational, and administrative purposes, including satisfying requests of work-study credits offered through said institution. All the content within this material belongs entirely and exclusively to the source author & the corporation they represent. Publisher: Exchanging Life Publishing.