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The Christian man is engaged in a spiritual battle even if he does not believe that he is. This study can be used as a private devotional - completing one lesson per day or at a pace that is most comfortable. A popular format is in a small group environment – finishing one lesson per week. This workbook contains many helpful tools to equip leaders in small group ministry. ORDER HARDCOPY HERE

e-Book | Men & Warfare

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  • Dr. Phinney holds degrees in Psychology, Counseling Psychology and Ministry. However, he does not believe having a degree qualifies anyone, nor is it necessary, to administer Biblical Truths. He believes that all indwelt Christians have the power to minister without institutional certification. Author Spotlight Page

  • This author permits you to use the content in this e-Book for classroom use. Please keep the material for internal instructional, educational, and administrative purposes, including satisfying requests of work-study credits offered through said institution. All the content within this material belongs entirely and exclusively to the source author & the corporation they represent. Publisher: Exchanging Life Publishing.

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